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BETA: Project SuperTables
Janine Borrega avatar
Written by Janine Borrega
Updated over a week ago

πŸ’‘ This feature is currently in beta. If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvement, please contact our Support team by emailing [email protected].

Our enhanced Project Tables provide a detailed overview of each creator in a well-structured table format. View all relevant creator information at a glance and effortlessly manage and scale your campaigns by customizing your Project Tables to suit your campaign needs.

Project Tables

By allowing the addition of specific columns within the project stage, you significantly expedite the project process by providing immediate access to crucial creator information, thereby reducing the time-consuming task of navigating individual member profiles.

For instance, if you're sending 'Bundle A' to creators in the US and Canada, and 'Bundle B' to creators elsewhere, simply add the country column in the Product Fulfillment stage. Then, select creators that are in the US and Canada and send out bundle A

How to Edit Columns within a stage

To edit project columns, go to Project, select the desired Project Stage, click the Edit Column button, and make the necessary changes, then hit save

Note: The columns listed under "Selected Columns" are currently displayed in your project. The columns on the left can be added to your project stage.


  • Changes you make are saved and visible to all users.

  • Modifications to one stage do not impact other stages.

  • Adjustments you make to a sub-stage do not affect other sub-stages within the same stage.

How to Add Columns within a stage

To add a column, go to the desired Project Stage, click the Edit Column button, then check the box next to the desired column, then select save

You can efficiently find the column by searching for its name or filtering by column group using the "All Data" dropdown option

How to Remove Columns within a stage

To delete a column, navigate to the desired Project and Project Stage. Click the "Edit Column" button, hover over the column you want to delete, and click the trash can icon. Save your changes.

Please note that the "Name" and "Status" columns are essential and cannot be removed from project stages.

How to Re-Order Columns within a stage

Option 1: To reorder columns, go to the desired Project Stage, click the Edit Column button, then click the three dots next to the column you want to move. Drag and drop the column to its desired position, then hit save.

Option 2: within the Project stage, click and drag the column title to your desired spot.

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