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How Members Can Generate Multiple Deep Links on Aspire’s Creator Portal
How Members Can Generate Multiple Deep Links on Aspire’s Creator Portal

Aspire’s Creator Portal enables your members to easily generate multiple deep links to promote your brand

Ana Lopez avatar
Written by Ana Lopez
Updated over a week ago

What Are Deep Links?

Deep links are the common term for URLs that link directly to specific web pages, such as a product page, rather than a general landing page. For example:

When doing sales or conversion tracking, you may want your creators to direct their audience to specific pages or products on your website. You can do this by creating deep links and now, your members can create their own deep links for your brand within Aspire’s Creator Portal.

When generating links for your creators, you’ll have the option to create one deep link. Once creators receive an email with their link, they can then access their Creator Portal to view their link and create additional deep links.

This provides creators with the flexibility to generate their own links to your products based on the content they’re creating and what appeals to their audience.

Creators can make as many deep links as they want, and all conversions will be tracked under the original link you provided them.

How It Works

Once creators receive an email with their link, they can then access their Creator Portal to view their link and generate additional custom deep links for your brand.

Creators will be prompted to enter the Deep Link URL and give it a name. Once they click “Generate Link”, a new Short Link will be created with the label name they entered. They can easily copy any deep links they’ve created and share them on social media.

📌 Important Notes:

  • Creators will have access to all previous links they have generated.

  • If creators edit their deep link and replace it with a new URL, we will update the Full Link but keep the Short Link as it is.

  • If the creator deletes any deep links they have created and somebody clicks on the link after, it will still work.

Here is a helpful guide you can provide your creators on how to generate those deep links!

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