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Sales Tracking
Definitions and tutorials, plus instructions on how to implement tracking on your store
Getting Started with Sales TrackingHow and when to use promo codes and tracking links
Overview of Sales Tracking Dashboard
Sales Tracking Glossary of TermsWhat do certain sales tracking terms mean?
Comparison of Conversion Tracking MethodsA guide to selecting the proper Conversion Tracking Method for your Link Tracking Offers
Sales Tracking Offer EnhancementsIntroducing multiple payout options and the flexibility to edit offers per member
How does tracking by link work?How do we track clicks, conversions and sales amounts?
How to Create a Link Tracking Offer & Generate Unique Links
How to Add UTM Parameters to LinksOverview of UTM Parameters
How to Create Deep LinksGuide to creating deep links for members
How to Manage Deep LinksHow to edit, remove, and filter deep links
How to Enable Members to Create Deep LinksEmpower creators to create deep links to promote your brand
Multiple Currency Support for Link Tracking OffersHow to convert non-USD sale amounts to USD using an exchange rate API and server postback tracking
Link Tracking Offer ReportsComprehensive Guide to Link Offer Reporting
Promo Codes OverviewHow to use our Shopify integration to generate promo codes
How to Create a Promo Code Offer & Generate Unique Codes
Automatic Currency Conversions for Non-USD Shopify StoresIntroducing Automatic Currency Conversions for Non-USD Shopify Stores
Promo Code Offer Reports
How to Sync Promo Code Offers to Multiple Shopify StoresEnable promo code syncing to automatically create promo codes across multiple Shopify stores
How to Create Discount Codes for Shopify Subscription ProductsHow to generate discount codes for Shopify subscription products
Shopify Promo Code Offer EnhancementsIntroducing a new setup flow and additional features for Shopify Promo Code Offers
How to Create Buy X, Get Y Promo CodesEasily create and sync “Buy X, Get Y” offers from Shopify
How to Refresh Promo CodesUpdate promo code names and re-issue promo codes to specific members
Overview of Discount LinksLearn all about Shopify Discount Links, SecureCodes™ and CreatorStores™
How to Create Discount LinksGenerate unique links that automatically apply a Shopify discount code at checkout
How to Create SecureCodes™Stop code leaks, simplify checkout, and ensure every commission goes to the right affiliate
How to Set Up CreatorStores™Set up Aspire's CreatorStores™ by following this step-by-step guide
What are my commission payout options?How can we calculate payout for affiliate tracking links and promo codes?
How to Create Multiple Payout Options Within OffersDefine multiple commission payout options within one sales tracking offer
How to Edit Payout Values for MembersBulk edit payout values for a specific set of members or adjust the payout value for an individual member
How to Send Commission PayoutHow to process affiliate commission payments and other performance-based payments within your Sales Tracking dashboard
Tips on How to Set Your Affiliate CommissionFinding a balanced commission rate that is competitive yet sustainable!
Frequently Asked Questions
Common sales tracking questions
How to Unlink and Relink an Offer to a New Project
How to Activate or Deactivate Offers for MembersBulk activate or deactivate promo codes and/or links for individual members or a specific set of members
How to Archive OffersLearn how to archive offers to keep your Sales Tracking dashboard organized
How to Reject ConversionsManaging Conversion Rejections for Promo Code and Link Offers
How Does Aspire Prevent Duplicate Conversions?Learn how Aspire deduplicates conversions to prevent duplicate commissions and ensure accurate reporting
How to Remove Members from Offers
Sales Tracking FAQsCommon questions about sales tracking, links, and promo codes
How to Upgrade Legacy OffersHow to transition legacy offers to use the latest sales tracking capabilities
Server Postback TrackingFundamentals of Server Postback Tracking
How to Implement Global Server Postback with Transaction IDHow to create a global postback URL to set up conversion tracking for all your Aspire offers
How to Implement Server Postback with Partner ID
How to Implement Recurring Subscription TrackingDetailed steps on how to process and return conversion data for recurring subscription tracking
Test & Troubleshoot Server Postback TrackingA Step-by-Step Guide to Testing Your Server Postback Integration
Javascript Postback Tracking for ShopifyHow to implement Aspire's Javascript Postback Tracking for Shopify websites
Javascript Postback Tracking for Non-Shopify WebsitesHow to Implement Aspire's Javascript Postback Tracking for Non-Shopify websites
How to Implement Javascript Tracking using Google Tag Manager
How to Implement Javascript Tracking using GTM and Shopify Checkout ExtensibilitySet up conversion tracking by integrating Shopify Checkout Extensibility and Google Tag Manager
Test & Troubleshoot Javascript TrackingA Step-by-Step Guide to Testing Your Javascript Postback Implementation
What mobile app tracking capabilities does Aspire support?
How do I track App Installs via Appsflyer?Accurately measure and track a mobile app conversion via AppsFlyer integration
How do I track App Installs via Kochava?With Kochava, you can accurately measure mobile app conversions and pass that data back to Aspire
How do I track App Installs via Adjust?Tracking an in-app event via Adjust using universal links
How do I track App Installs via Branch?Set up Branch and AspireIQ to track mobile app downloads