Getting Started with Sales TrackingHow and when to use promo codes and tracking links
Overview of Sales Tracking Dashboard
Sales Tracking Glossary of TermsWhat do certain sales tracking terms mean?
Comparison of Conversion Tracking MethodsA guide to selecting the proper Conversion Tracking Method for your Link Tracking Offers
Sales Tracking FAQsCommon questions about sales tracking, links, and promo codes
How to Activate or Deactivate Offers for MembersBulk activate or deactivate promo codes and/or links for individual members or a specific set of members
How to Create Multiple Payout Options Within OffersDefine multiple commission payout options within one sales tracking offer
How to Edit Payout Values for MembersBulk edit payout values for a specific set of members or adjust the payout value for an individual member
Sales Tracking Offer EnhancementsIntroducing multiple payout options and the flexibility to edit offers per member
How to Upgrade Your Sales Tracking OffersHow to transition all of your existing offers to our latest sales tracking capabilities